I Pity the Fool Who Builds a Homogeneous Cyber A-Team

If you want to build a successful cybersecurity team, you need to be diverse, mostly in thought. But that diversity in thought usually is the result of people with diverse backgrounds who have had different experiences and have solved problems differently. It’s actually really hard to hire a diverse team because what people want to do is simply hire people who look, talk, and sound like them. People who come from the same background as you. While that may work for building friends, it’s not necessarily the best solution when building a team to secure your company.
This week’s episode is hosted by
David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series and Andy Ellis (@csoandy), operating partner, YL Ventures. Our guest is George Finney (@wellawaresecure), CISO, Southern Methodist University and author of “Well Aware: The Nine Cybersecurity Habits to Protect Your Future” and “Project Zero Trust.”
And here’s 
George’s cybersecurity personality test.